Participation, Globalisation & Culture, International and South African Perspectives

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This book presents the best contributions and some more invited papers of a Conference which was organised at the University of Durban-Westville in South Africa by the Research Committee 10 – Participation, Organisational Democracy & Self-Management of the International Sociological Association, and the South African Sociological Association, from 1 to 5 October 2000. The nineteen contributions come from Africa, America and Europe and cover the topic in an interdisciplinary way. A major concern within the process of globalisation being democratic participation and cultural diversity. A critique of this process and alternatives to it are presented with a number of case studies. Contents: Dasarath Chetty: Betwen Neo-Liberalism and Empowerment of the People in South Africa – Gyorgy Szell: Securing South Africa’s Future – A View from Outside – Richard L. Harris: The Democratisation of the State and the State Bureaucracy: A Global Perspective – Antonio Lucas: El Trabajo en la Nueva Sociedad de la Informatcion (Work in the New Informational Society) – Johann Maree/Shane Godfrey: The Relationship between Participation and Performance in a South African Fish Processing Enterprise in a Context of Cultural Diversity and Globalisation – Claude Beauchamp: Cooperation, participation, culture et mondialisation en Afrique Noire (Co-operation, Participation, Culture and Globalisation in Black Africa) – Richard Ru ika: Participation and Entrepreneurship: After Ten Years of Transformation – Volkmar Kreiig: Privatisation and the Development of New Middle Classes in Transforming Societies – A Comparison between the New Lander of Germany and Russia – Pitika P. Ntuli: Participation, Globalisation and Culture in the Era of the African Renaissance: An Overview – Heinz Sunker: Democracy, Participation and Education – Martina Hartkemeyer/Johannes F. Hartkemeyer: Dialogue – A Different Approach for Learning – Ari Sitas: Globalisation and Participation – the South African Dilemma – Louis Molamu: Black Exclusivism and Trade Unionism in South Africa: The Case of the Black Allied Workers’ Union, 1973-1984 – David Hemson: Top Concord and Casual Labour – Globalisation and Livelihoods in the Durban Docks – Nora Tager: The Role of Information Technology in the Implementation of Poverty Alleviation Programmes – Priya Narismulu: On the Fringes of Democracy: Women’s Participation in the Community Life of Urban Informal Settlements – Sultan Khan/David Hemson: Youth Participation in the Labour Force: Globalisation and some Critical Junctures for Youth Employment Policies in the Post-Apartheid South Africa – Fernand Sanou: La mondialisation et l’avenir de l’humanite (The Globalisation and the Future of Humanity) – Alain Chouraqui: Actors’ Participation at the Core of Societal Changes and Global Challenges.”

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