juan alcacio

This Land, America, Lost and Found

This Land, America, Lost and Found

A landmark collection by New York Times journalist Dan Barry, selected from a decade of his distinctive "This Land" columns and presenting a powerful but rarely seen portrait of America. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina and on the eve of a national recession, New York Times writer Dan Barry launched a column about America:…
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Progressive Capitalism, How to Make Tech Work for All of Us

Progressive Capitalism, How to Make Tech Work for All of Us

Congressman Ro Khanna offers a revolutionary, “progressive” (James J. Heckman, Nobel Prize winner and professor of economics at the University of Chicago) roadmap to facing America’s digital divide, offering greater economic prosperity to all. In Khanna’s vision, “just as people can move to technology, technology can move to people” (from the foreword by Amartya Sen,…
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The Listening Leader, Creating the Conditions for Equitable School Transformation

The Listening Leader, Creating the Conditions for Equitable School Transformation

LISTENING . . . THE KEY TO BECOMING A TRANSFORMATIVE SCHOOL LEADER The Listening Leader is a practical guide that will inspire school, district, and teacher leaders to make substantive change and increase equitable student outcomes. Rooted in the values of equity, relationships, and listening, this luminous book helps reimagine what is possible in education…
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Manual Del Comercio

Manual Del Comercio

Este manual es una herramienta esencial para cualquier persona interesada en el comercio. Con un enfoque en el comercio en España, Miguel RomeraNavarro presenta información valiosa para los empresarios, desde cómo establecer un negocio hasta la logística detrás de las negociaciones. Una guía completa para el mundo del comercio. This work has been selected by…
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El significado de innovar

El significado de innovar

La innovación se ha convertido en una palabra talismán, en un atributo imprescindible para las personas, las entidades y los gobiernos. Sin embargo, este concepto no siempre ha gozado del prestigio que se le otorga hoy en día. A partir del siglo XIX se fue despojando de las connotaciones negativas que se le atribuían desde…
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Chicago’s Lost “L”s

Chicago’s Lost “L”s

Chicago's system of elevated railways, known locally as the "L," has run continuously since 1892 and, like the city, has never stood still. It helped neighborhoods grow, brought their increasingly diverse populations together, and gave the famous Loop its name. But today's system has changed radically over the years. Chicago's Lost "L"s tells the story…
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Content Rules, How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business

Content Rules, How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business

The guide to creating engaging web content and building a loyal following, revised and updated Blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other platforms are giving everyone a "voice," including organizations and their customers. So how do you create the stories, videos, and blog posts that cultivate fans, arouse passion for your products or services, and…
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Truly Human Enhancement, A Philosophical Defense of Limits

Truly Human Enhancement, A Philosophical Defense of Limits

A nuanced discussion of human enhancement that argues for enhancement that does not significantly exceed what is currently possible for human beings. The transformative potential of genetic and cybernetic technologies to enhance human capabilities is most often either rejected on moral and prudential grounds or hailed as the future salvation of humanity. In this book,…
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