Inteligencia colectiva

El Liderazgo Natural, Inspiración para Resistir, Triunfar e Influenciar con Honestidad

El Liderazgo Natural, Inspiración para Resistir, Triunfar e Influenciar con Honestidad

La sociedad jamás había permanecido tan perturbada por la influencia del liderazgo actual. Su ambición la convirtió en poder para entretener, emocionar, disolver, detener, inventar, legislar, manipular o retorcer a favor de sus intereses debidamente convenidos. Este es el liderazgo que somete a una enfermiza sociedad egoísta, violenta y deshonesta. Afortunadamente la humanidad ha sobrevivido…
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Musculoskeletal MRI E-Book

Musculoskeletal MRI E-Book

Ideal for residents, practicing radiologists, and fellows alike, this updated reference offers easy-to-understand guidance on how to approach musculoskeletal MRI and recognize abnormalities. Concise, to-the-point text covers MRI for the entire musculoskeletal system, presented in a highly templated format. Thoroughly revised and enhanced with full-color artwork throughout, this resource provides just the information you need…
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Public Lives, Private Secrets, Gender, Honor, Sexuality, and Illegitimacy in Colonial Spanish America

Public Lives, Private Secrets, Gender, Honor, Sexuality, and Illegitimacy in Colonial Spanish America

"Throughout the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, illegitimate offspring of elite families in colonial Spanish America appealed to the Council and Camara of the Indies in Spain to purchase gracias al sacar legitimations. Their applications provided intimate testimony concerning their own lives, accounts of their parents' sexual relationships, and details regarding the impact of illegitimacy…
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Failure to Disrupt, Why Technology Alone Can’t Transform Education

Failure to Disrupt, Why Technology Alone Can’t Transform Education

A Science “Reading List for Uncertain Times” Selection “A must-read for anyone with even a passing interest in the present and future of higher education.” —Tressie McMillan Cottom, author of Lower Ed “A must-read for the education-invested as well as the education-interested.” —Forbes Proponents of massive online learning have promised that technology will radically accelerate…
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Liderazgo Y Calidad de Servicio

Liderazgo Y Calidad de Servicio

La presente obra, esta constituida por una investigacion realizada para determinar la relacion entre el liderazgo y la calidad de servicio en empresas comercializadoras de tiempo compartido. Es por ello, el interes de las autoridades de las empresas comercializadoras de tiempo compartido en conocer como es el comportamiento, actitud y conducta desarrollada por el lider…
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Post-cholecystectomy Bile Duct Injury

Post-cholecystectomy Bile Duct Injury

This book provides detailed insight to the readers into various aspects of bile duct injury. Bile duct injury is a common complication of cholecystectomy to treat gall stone disease prevalent all over the world. Risk of bile duct injury is more during a laparoscopic procedure as compared to open procedure and most cholecystectomies today are…
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The High-Velocity Edge: How Market Leaders Leverage Operational Excellence to Beat the Competition, Second Edition

The High-Velocity Edge: How Market Leaders Leverage Operational Excellence to Beat the Competition, Second Edition

Generate Better, Faster Results—Using Less Capital and Fewer Resources! “[The High-Velocity Edge] contains ideas that form the basis for structured continuous learning and improvement in every aspect of our lives. While this book is tailored to business leaders, it should be read by high school seniors, college students, and those already in the workforce. With…
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